DELAND ELKS LODGE 1463 “Teamwork Makes Elkdom Shine”
lounge (386) 738-1463 secretary (386) 734-0292
Over $1.5 million dollars raised for our community
lounge (386) 738-1463 secretary (386) 734-0292
Over $1.5 million dollars raised for our community
Lodge meetings are on the second Monday of every month at
6:30 pm.
House committee meetings are on the first and third Monday of every month at
6:30 pm.
We are open Wednesday thru Friday at
5 pm.
Please refer to the lodge calendar for exact hours and events.
Deland Elks received our charter in 1923, and opened its doors in 1927. Deland Elks purchased 150 S. Clara Ave. downtown Deland and started meeting regularly at this location. September 2018, the Deland Elks moved into their new location 614 S. Alabama Avenue located across from Earl Brown Park. We are a charitable organization in Deland, Florida, as well as nationally.
1st and 3rd Mondays - House Committee Meetings (except July & August 1st Monday)
2nd and 4th Mondays - Deland Elks General Membership Meetings (2nd Monday in July and August)
2nd and 4th Mondays - Trustees Meeting (2nd Monday in July and August)
Florida Elks Children's Therapy Services provides in-home physical therapy and occupational therapy to Florida children. Priority is given to children in need whose families have limited financial resources and would not otherwise have ready access to these therapy services.
Our mission is to mold the current generation of youth into adults that we’d be proud to have as American citizens. Our motto is to “inspire, connect, and expand.” We inspire our kids through the quality of our facilities, of our staff, and of our programming. Without electronics, we help kids build connections between themselves and their peers, their counselors, and nature.
Contact your local lodge for further scholarship information.
On battlefields of long ago and today, America’s military and veterans made sacrifices for all of us. Through their service, their pride, and their patriotism, the men and women of our armed forces made our nation what it is today. They defended our freedoms. They fought for justice. They preserved our ideals. Through it all, they forged our character. They are our real heroes. Indeed, our nation was built, and continues to be built by their actions.
Since 1917, the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks has demonstrated its compassion for the veterans of our armed forces through numerous programs and activities. Since 1946, the order has maintained the pledge, “So long as there are veterans, the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks will never forget them.”
Each November, the Elks observe National Veterans Remembrance Month. We ask everyone in our communities throughout Florida to join the Elks as we thank our veterans. Let’s all do our part to remember these men and women.
God bless our veterans, God bless the men and women serving in our military and their families, and God bless America.
Copyright © 2019 DeLand Elks 1463 - All Rights Reserved.